The moment I met Connor Franta

Monday, November 30, 2015

SO... I met Connor Franta!!! this happened in May so it was quite a while ago but I still cant get over it.

so me and one of my best friends, Ellie Mc (yes we have the same name crazy right...right...) ( you can find her at got tickets to go and meet him at his book tour in the UK, so we were counting down the days until we finally got to meet him and we fangirled like crazy then finally the night before, I invited Ellie Mc around for a sleepover so we could both go together and it was one of the funniest nights ever, we sat and watched almost all his videos whilst eating lots of food ( them wild nights with the Ellie's) but yeah anyway we just had a massive sugar rush and found almost everything hilarious. so anyway we finally fell asleep well... sort of we were too excited.

so finally morning came and we woke up bright and early his meet up was 11 o'clock so we wanted to get up early to make the queue so my mum dropped us off at the bus stop to make our way into town we literally ran towards waterstones (where he was having his meet up) and no surprise the queue was like a mile long so we got in the back of the queue and it wasn't that bad the queue was only like an hour or hour and a half long, so we got near the front and we handed in our tickets and got our wrist bands and his new book then we had to wait in another queue.

so as anyone would I got my phone out ready to get my photo with him then finally the moment ive been waiting for, the beautiful 30 seconds we met, I handed him my book and he signed it, he asked me how I was, I couldn't wipe the stupid smile on my face I had to hold myself back from squeeling I went to grab my phone then just before I grabbed it he asked for a hug so... we hugged!!! then I may have just took a sniff of him... he smelt amazing... like rainbows anyyyywayyyy he gave me a poster then  walked away with my phone he saw to my friend Ellie Mc next and her story was so much funnier than mine you should go and check it out I laugh everytime I read it:

so anyway here is the picture of me and connor

that's all for this post I hope you enjoyed it please leave a comment of any blog post suggestions you would like me to do bye!xx

lifestyle wonderland

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