top tips for moving house

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hello! todays post will be on top tips for moving house, I am moving house very soon and starting to put things away in boxes and packing up a little bit, but I never realised how difficult it could be to pack so here is a few tips to help!

1. throw away anything unnecessary
I always find it extremely hard to throw away little items that I like but don't need! like money boxes with my name on it and silly stuff like that but for some reason I find it hard to part with them, now i've learned that if I throw them away i'm not going to miss them and it gives me less rubbish to carry to my new house

2.organise your boxes for different things
for example have a box for clothes then have a box for books ect because this makes it easier to find things if your looking for something in particular so you don't have to root through your all your boxes to find a single item of jewellery

3. label your boxes
again this makes everything easier to find so you don't end up looking through 20 boxes for something and It ends up being in the last box

4.put little things in little boxes to go in the big boxes
if you have a lot of jewellery hanging around find a small box to put it all in and put it in the big box then you wont every different pieces of jewellery flung around the box

5.listen to music
I feel like after a while of packing it becomes to feel like a chore and you get tiered of it, if you play a little music it can really boost your enthusiasm about packing, it makes me feel much more positive and motivates me to pack and it gets the job done quicker!

6. put away your most used items away last
if you put your most used items away first your going to have to keep going in and out of different boxes its best to have them all in one place

7. don't stress!
stress could possibly be the only thing in this situation to make something go wrong, I know when I stress I can never do anything and it stresses me out even more! if your feeling stressed take your self outside breathe drink a glass of water and have happy thoughts then when your ready go back inside

8.have fun!
if your not having fun then your not going to feel motivated or excited to move house plus having fun speeds up the process of moving and it will come quicker! it will take your mind off stress and will make ou feel much more positive, have your friends and family help you pack too because one it will get it done quicker and two they can have fun with you!

I hope you enjoyed todays post! thought it was a little different than my other posts don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already to keep updated for when I post next, follow my twitter the link is on the right side of this page somewhere and have a nice day! goodbye! xxx

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