how to get killer abs!

Monday, January 04, 2016

hello everyone! so following my new years resolution I said I am going to be so much more healthier and fitter! so by blogging about it is going to keep me motivated to carry on doing it along side informing you on how to get killer abs! just for your information I am not a professional personal trainer although that's what job I want when im older im not getting paid professionally to do this however I am an intermediate advanced gymnast and have just won national champion in my age category so I know what works and what doesn't work okay... lets do this!

firstly you have to warm up and stretch obviously otherwise if you pull a muscle you'll be in serious pain so for a warm up you just want to jog lightly on the spot get your heart rate up for 30 seconds
and to stretch you want to stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and lean back and push your hips forward and you should feel a stretch in your stomach ( side note if you can do bridge then do that also) by the way non of these pictures shown belong to me all rights go to the owner!

now time to feel the burn...

the first exercise is called a v-sit you shall perform 20 of these

lay flat on your back with your arms above your head and your legs straight out too.

lift both your arms and legs at the same time to perform a 'v' shape and then lower back down

if you go slower it will hurt more therefore its making your abs work harder getting you your killer abs quicker
if you prefer to go quicker I would advise you to do double or treble the amount that has been given

Image result for v-sit demo 
next you may feel like you need a little bit of a rest so what better time to throw plank in here
hold this for 30 seconds
get on your hands a knees
extend your legs out behind you leaving your bum flat do NOT raise your bum otherwise you can kiss good bye to those abs
rest on your elbows and hold for 30 seconds
Image result for plank demo
the next exercise is leg raises and you will perform 20 of these
the concept of this is quite simple
lay flat on your back with your arms either side of you and your legs extended
begin to lift your legs at the same time pushing your back into the floor there should be no gap between your back and the floor, keep lifting your legs until you reach a right angle with your body then slowly lower your legs back down into its original position continuing to push your back into the floor throughout this whole exercise. up and down = 1 continue to do 20
Image result for leg raises demo
the next exercise is toe touches and 20 of these will be performed
lay flat on your back with your arms above your head and your legs raised in the air at a 90 degree angle with your body
keeping your legs tight and in the air in the same 90 angle reach for toes then come back down to your original position perform this as quickly and efficiently as you can
this exercise is called single leg crunches and 20 of these will be performed on each leg so 40 will be performed in total
lay flat on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs straight out and slightly lifted off the floor
bend one leg towards you and the opposite elbow touching the leg that is bent switching legs and arms making sure the right elbow touches the left leg and the left elbow touches the right leg keeping both feet off the floor at all times pressing your back into the floor as this exercise is being performed
You can repeat this circuit as many times as you want but remember the more times this circuit is performed the quicker those killer abs are going to come also this can be performed daily or twice to three times a week but again remember the more you do it the quicker they'll come
That's it for this post I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as you enjoy doing I will be posting some more fitness posts like this throughout the year as it keeps me motivated for my new years resolution as I can share with you my work out tips and my healthy eating meals and hey I could even do some quick and easy recipes if you would like
Go follow me on twitter and find out what goes through my mind throughout the day the follow button is to your right of this page somewhere and ill see you next time by!!

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