13 weird questions tag!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

so today im going to be answering the 13 weird questions above and let you in a little bit more into my life


1. Eddie

2. I leave a little bit of whatever im eating on the plate or bowl so say for instants I had pasta I would leave like 2 pieces of pasta on the plate but I do it with everything I eat

3. I'm afraid of socialising and talking to people I don't know also im afraid of tuna

4. fresh prince of bel air rap

5. people who don't listen to me when I'm trying to tell them something

6. groups of lads I literally freak out and try to hide because I feel like they're going to attack me

7. I have a single bed to the middle :)

8. it was a rabbit my dad gave to me when I was born but I don't remember giving it a name

9. caramel Frappuccino... yes I know im basic but im proud

10. winged eyeliner! I always try but never succeed

11. depends if im not washing my hair then towards but if I am washing my hair then away

12. well... im a gymnast so im extremely flexible also I can make my toungue belly dance... weird an proud weird and proud

13. marshmallow fluff, nutella, pizza, basically EVERY UNHEALTHY FOOD ESPECIALLY CHEESY CHIPS OOOOOOH CHEESY CHIPS!!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed todays post and you learned a little more about my weird habits follow me on twitter and like my page on facebook find the links on my follow me tab on the right hand side of this page im just going to go and make myself some cheesy chips now! thank you for reading and goodbye!! also comment down below if you want to see a what I got for Christmas post! xx

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