Monday, December 28, 2015

HAPPY ALMOST NEW YEAR! right so every year I try to make new years resolutions but they never work I always try to make the resolution to be nicer to my brother but that only lasts for like maybe a day... okay more like an hour but you get the point, so im not in to all this new year new me crap but this year I want to make a change so here is a list of my resolutions for next year! also I will be uploading a blog post everyday for the next 5 days which is new years day! enjoy...

I've made this resolution because I feel like I don't read any more as now everything I do read comes from a computer screen and I feel like im not learning new words like real words not like the shortened, meme words you find in the urban dictionary so ive started of before the new year asking my mum and dad 3 new books for Christmas, okay maybe 2 of them are not actually a full written novels but they still count as books right?? they are: girl online by zoe sugg, username: evie by joe sugg and the amazing book is not on fire by dan howell and phil lester, ive already read the amazing book is not on fire so that's an achievement if you have any books you would like to suggest please right them in comments!

2. eat healthier...
this is a resolution me and mum made together, we both feel we eat too much crap and its not good for us physically and mentally, so we have reduced the amount of sugary and fatty food that comes into our house also we have banned fizzy drinks too, well I think my dad and brother will still bring fizzy drinks into the house but we just wont drink them also im beginning to start to drink a lot more green tea because its amazing how many health benefits that can give you!

3. be fitter...
this is another resolution me and mum decided to make together, we went out and spend some of our Christmas cash on sporting cloths and foot wear (I felt so posh saying that haha) I bought myself a pair of grey and coral huaraches, and a grey and coral adidas hoodie to match also a fitness water bottle and some sports leggings from H&M and other little bits and bobs, also as I got an apple watch for Christmas so I have been working out everyday on a few little apps I have on it so yeah...

that's all I have for this post if I think of any more resolutions I will tweet them so go follow me on twitter! I hope you enjoyed and please go tweet me I like to hear from you also following my new years resolutions you will probably expect blog posts on more fitness related things but I will still do my other little random posts too but what to expect from me is such things like recipes, work out tips, smoothie recipes daily work out routines, work out outfits and much more so be excited for the new year I could also put up a gymnastics leotard collection if you would like let me know in the comments that would be great so until next post good bye! Xxx

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